New membership application system ready now

2020 club membership applications are open now, for race and supporter members alike

In order to join, or renew your membership, please use this link to sign in to our new integrated online membership system. No password is required. The system will guide you through the process but if you have any difficulty please contact us on

The new system will give you full control over changes to your own membership record in future.

The membership system is integrated with payment through PayPal, and we’d be very grateful if you would use this payment method. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can still use this system to pay by credit card.

You may still, if you prefer, pay by BACS or, in the last resort, cheque or cash. Details of how to do this will be shown to you during the joining or renewal process, but there may be a short delay in approving your membership as the payment will need to be manually matched with your application.

For anyone who isn’t able to use the online system, there is still a manual joining system available. If you wish to use this, please download the PDF membership form from the link below and return it by post, or by scanning and emailing, to Barry at the address shown on the form.

As this is a new system to us, please let us know if you spot any glitches or have any suggestions on how the process could be improved – email us on if you have any problems.

If you’d prefer the old fashioned pen and paper form, please download the membership form here and hand to Barry at a race meet, or scan and email to him along with your payment confirmation.

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