AGM – 22nd January

On January 22nd we will have our annual technical meeting / annual general meeting at the Annual Trophy Awards. The ATD / AGM will start at 1pm and close at 4pm without fail. The venue – Forest of Arden Marriott Hotel.

This is the annual opportunity for all members to put forward any proposals for changes, be they sporting or technical regulation changes. Sporting regulation changes, for example, reversing the reverse grid regulation (sorry, could not resist the punnery), if approved, can be implemented and be effective for the 2022 season.

For the technical regulation changes, unless there are force majeure reasons, these will not be introduced until the following year, so for example, if there was a change to [say] the wheel regulations, this would only be effective for the 2023 season.

If you do have a change to propose, and as a democratically run club, we warmly encourage you to propose anyone to propose any set of ideas to make this club more successful, then please follow this five-step process:

  1. Identify the regulation # you want to change…or if a new one, call out where it needs to be in the regulations.
  2. Put together THE EXACT set of words that you would want to see published in the future set of regulations. Members can only vote on the words you submit.
  3. Find someone to second the proposal, and ideally, please share with your class drivers rep (Mark, Phil, Ben or Darren)
  4. Beneath your proposal provide some brief commentary, context and the problem you believe your proposal will “fix”
  5. Finally, think about your regulation change from the viewpoint of the MuK eligibility officer, how can / will they be able to enforce the regulation, and what can be the possible sanctions if found to be non-compliant.

Your proposal/proposals needs to be with Phil Harvey by one minute to midnight on Friday December 10th. His email is:

The agenda and full set of proposals can then be issued to club members well in advance of the January 22nd meeting. Thank you, Colin

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